
Use it or lose it


Yesterday I experienced another funny instance of the idiom use it or lose it. In the early evening, as I approached the restaurant we were to meet friends, one of my newest pair of shoes (bought 2019) completely fell apart. The bottom rubber sole broke in two, the upper straps ripped away from the sole, and the inner sole fell out. There was no wearing it. My broken sandal (smudged over brand...

Making me wait


It should have been a day for celebration. The end of my anti-cancer program. Instead, I was driven to distraction by what I consider astonishing ineptitude at the Make-U-Wait Hospital. An event that should have taken less than two hours took me over 5½ hours. The procedure itself took only one hour. I am sharing my experience in case someone else has gone through a similar frustrating event; it...

Language peeve


What to do when I don’t feel much inspired to write? Why, go on a bit of a rant instead! LOL. So, this may end up a very short post, because my rants typically dissipate quickly. Not being over-attached to the topic helps. What got me into rant-mode just now was reading this sentence: “The question is more a case of whether you choose to utilise that power or not.” Blach! He who does not love his...

My comfort rut


Is there anyone who hasn’t heard it said: personal growth happens outside your comfort zone? I subscribe to that notion. It means, in a nutshell, so long as we stay with the existing state of affairs, we’re not learning, not moving forward, or not meeting the challenges life inevitably throws at us. And now I’ve found myself in a comfort rut. What is a rut? An uninspired routine...

On beauty


Does beauty offer refuge from all the upsetting news we hear daily? From our own pains and sorrows? The Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, in me says: yes. It certainly does for me. Last week, I presented in an online event my experience how beauty I find every day all around me brings enchantment to my soul and healing to my body. I was delighted that the audience joyfully received my sharing. Let me...

I am done


It’s the fifth time I’m bucking the advice of my oncologist. I’ve already shared in this online journal about the time when I questioned the dosage of herceptin, when I insisted to remove Benadryl from the pre-infusion list of drugs, when I had to push to have him agree to my getting a portal catheter inserted, and when I freaked at the cost of the hormonal therapy he prescribed. Now I’ve decided...

I’m grieving


Tonight, I grieve for the Philippines. Over 80% of voting adults went to the polls to elect their next government “servants” today, from top down to members of city councils—president, vice-president, senators, and a ridiculous amount more. The stakes for national positions were high. While there were ten candidates vying for each of the top two positions (president and vice-president are voted...

My attentions


Today I turned 67. That number says neither old nor young to me. But I can say emphatically that my mind feels a lot younger than my disappointing body. I write that smiling broadly. As I was musing about this latest turn around the sun, I thought to do an inventory of the key areas that get my attention. Why do this? I believe we live in an attention economy. As social beings, we pay attention...

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