Just a bit about me


global citizen, world traveler, queenager

serial entrepreneur and business thinking partner (coach/consultant)

curious, open-minded, calm, kind

daughter of one mother and two fathers, all gone

eldest sibling of five, aunt to ten

lover of Truth, Beauty, and my soulmate

who cares about nature, justice, and integrity

who finds happiness in a smile, a bear hug, and the little things

 who needs more movement and less screen time

who gives others attention and care

who fears little—dying, maybe, but not death

who enjoys music, literature, and photography

who still hankers (and expects) to see more of the world


PS. You’ll find so many more details about me and my heroine’s journey in my posts, where I pour my heart out as honestly as I can. Sign up to get notified when I post at the top right of the page. And if you haven’t already, read next Why this journal?

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