Unexpected call; a personal update

The last thing I’d expect is a call from my ocular oncologist at 8:30 at night. But, to my surprise, call she did tonight.

“Hello, may I speak to Francisca?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Good evening, this is K…P… How are you feeling?”

“Well, curious, mostly… curious about the results of all those diagnostic tests I’ve undergone.”

Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.

Linus Pauling

The good news for you is that none of the tests indicate the presence of cancer anywhere else, as far as I can see. But I’ve referred you to the BC Cancer Agency to double check the results. They will call you.”

“They have already. They asked for my previous results from tests done in Manila, which I sent. And I have an appointment with them on December 27th.”

“Good. That leaves me your eye to deal with…”

So the nature of the tumor in my left eye remains a mystery. That’s a bit of a bummer.

But today I do a happy dance to celebrate no cancer in the bones, brain, lungs, or liver.

And later, my honey said, “Good, now we’re beyond the life or death question.” Indeed! When the storm has passed, the relief feels like a gentle rain of gratitude. And what a gift to be told before the holidays! Whew!

Wondering whether the tumor could be a benign neoplasm or even an aneurysm, I asked the doctor. She said it looked nothing like an aneurysm she’s seen (in her 40 years of practice) and asked where I got that idea. I explained a friend had mentioned that she knew of a person diagnosed with a tumor in her eye that turned out to be a rare aneurysm, and that this misdiagnosis was, in such rare cases, not uncommon. She was doubtful, but I was pleased she was curious enough to ask and listen.

What’s next? First I take a deep breath. Or two.

It has never been, and never will be, easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair.

Marion Zimmer Bradley

I can and will enjoy the holidays with family without having these big cancer questions niggling in the back of my mind.

My meeting with a general oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency on December 27 now feels like a routine event. I’m not expecting any rude surprises.

In January, this doctor will examine me again to see whether there’s been any change in size or placement of the tumor in my eye. She is tentatively planning to schedule me for localized radiation in an effort to shrink the tumor. The radiation amount would be suitable for either a metastatic tumor or melanoma. She doubts that will improve my vision, but reducing the risk of further retinal detachment is the aim.

And that’s it. You’re up-to-date. We won’t know more until after Christmas.

Whatever brought you here to read my today’s update, thank you. I wish you and yours all the very best of the season, whichever you celebrate, if any.  


By Francisca

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