
Needle biopsy, no fear


Pain is one of those things we all fear, isn’t it? Whether it’s a sharp jab or a dull ache, the idea of something hurting can often feel worse than the reality. Anxiety feeds into it, making the unknown even scarier. I’ve learned that over the last few years of navigating breast cancer. Today, I want to share my experience with a needle biopsy done a few days ago—not to dwell on the pain, but to...

Navigating scanxiety: What to do while waiting for medical test results


I came across a peculiar yet fitting word today: scanxiety. It’s a term that’s likely familiar if you’ve ever been in the nerve-racking position of awaiting medical test results, especially when dealing with potentially serious diagnoses like cancer or heart disease. The period between taking the test and meeting your healthcare provider can feel like enduring an endless...

Why I’m all about the care emoji (and not just because of my eye)


I’ve got this thing with emojis. And it began way back in the 90s when we all started emailing at work (remember that?). My colleagues called me the Smiley Queen, and when I left the company, one of my parting gifts from them was a denim shirt with a giant yellow smiley embroidered on the back. Yes, really. Today, however, I want to address specifically my thing for the care emoji. You know the...

My yo-yo weight journey


I’ve watched my weight for as long as I can remember, right back to my teens. The roller-coaster of weight has been such a constant part of my life that I sometimes wonder if my body’s default mode is fluctuate. Up-down, up-down. Ugh. Looking back at photos of my younger self, I realize I wasted too much time disliking my thunder thighs and inherited cankles. I mean, no one but me cared. And I...

Steps toward healing


When I receive a slew of messages from friends around the world checking in with me, it’s a telling sign that I’ve been neglecting this online journal. So, deep breath in, deep breath out, this post is an attempt to update you on what’s been going on in my life these past few months since I last shared my musings on miracles and mystery. A new home A rather enormous event that took much of our...

Mystery in everyday moments


Do I believe in miracles? I don’t know, really. What are miracles? Maybe miracles are just events and outcomes we cannot (yet) explain. But I am partial to this Albert Einstein quote: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. And I believe that the entirety of life as we humans experience it is indeed a...

A reflection on International Women’s Day


On International Women’s Day, we come together to celebrate the achievements and strength of women around the globe. It’s a time to reflect on the journey of women everywhere. In this context, I think it’s appropriate to honor the resilience of women who live, or have lived, with cancer. This day is for the women (and men) who’ve shown courage, not just in overcoming a...

A glimpse of hope


I made an astounding observation today. And it calls for another happy dance! From the beginning of my eye saga, now over a year ago, every ophthalmologist who reviewed any of the four sonograms of my left eye told me there was liquid flowing close to my optic nerve, and that this liquid was causing the dark grey cloud obstructing most (85+%) of my vision. And each of them advised me to brace...

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