
Transitions: a year of gratitude


It’s the last day of 2023 and as I sit here to reflect on this year, it’s pitch black outside, with most of the day already gone, and I’m nursing a nasty cold, my first in many decades. My speaking voice may be gone, but not my writing voice. So here goes my stream of consciousness of last-day thoughts. By the time I complete this post, we’re likely to be ready to watch the city’s fireworks from...

Unexpected call; a personal update


The last thing I’d expect is a call from my ocular oncologist at 8:30 at night. But, to my surprise, call she did tonight. “Hello, may I speak to Francisca?” “Yes, that’s me.” “Good evening, this is K…P… How are you feeling?” “Well, curious, mostly… curious about the results of all those diagnostic tests I’ve undergone.” Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness...

Human rights reflections: grief and hope


Today, December 10, is Human Rights Day. The United Nations is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You’d think over three-quarters of a century humanity would have become more enlightened and fair in how we treat our fellow and sister humans. Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being. Khalil Gibran We can...

Journey of angels


Making lemonade out of lemons is a skill I claim to have. Yet occasionally I do nothing and the universe simply conspires to make the best of an undesirable situation by sending angels into my life. Sometimes they are stranger angels—and there is always an abundance of those. But today I want to tell you about a few angels in human form who showed up to make getting yet another PET-CT scan done a...

Navigating life’s ups and downs


Good news, bad news, bad news, good news, good, bad, good… And so on and on it goes. Life is a continuous series of hopes and disappointments. Ups and downs. It’s been especially so for me these past weeks. And there’s little to do but to stay in flow. Take last week, for example. My honey discovered that a few of his external hard disks with data he’d prefer to salvage had irreparable bad...

The MRI machine and more


In the midst of my third diagnostic test prescribed by my new ocular oncologist, I felt full of eager anticipation for uncovering the mysteries of my left eye. A mere two weeks ago, she set the course for a series of tests aimed at revealing any potential spread of cancer in my body.   Today it was for an MRI to check my liver, one of the key sites for metastases. It turned out to be another...

Embracing reality: The power of acceptance in tough times


Acceptance is not resignation. That’s a phrase that’s curiously popped up for me from a few different sources this past week–on a Facebook meme, in a guided meditation, in an email newsletter. I’d say it’s synchronicity in action. And I reflect on what that might mean in my uncomfortable situation of not yet knowing what exactly is the nature of the tumor in my eye and how...

My eye has atypical features


Today, I returned to the eye clinic, and the outcome of all the tests done so far is to do more tests. Getting to that outcome was an interesting process for me. I arrived at the clinic at the appointed time, 9:15. Within half an hour, I was called in, but not to see the esteemed ocular oncologist I had expected to see. I was first interviewed and examined by a young intern from Australia. After...

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